Our Executive Council
Elections are held at the conclusion of every Fall semester while terms last from January through December.
President - Chuck Moore
Chuck is a third year Business and Information Systems major. He enjoys lifting and shooting hoops in his free time. As president, Chuck Oversees all fraternal operations.
Vice President - Zach Swinehart
Zach is a third-year with a major in Secondary Education Outside of the fraternity, he enjoys weightlifting and watching football. As Vice Archon, Will primarily oversees recruitment and coordinates our entire rush plan per semester.
Treasurer - Luke Brogee
Luke is a second year engineering student. He enjoys working with computers and lifting weights. As Treasurer, Luke oversees all finances and creates budgets for the fraternity.
Secretary - Richie Panikiewsky
Richie is a third-year majoring in Nursing. Outside of fraternity, he enjoys reading and watching his favorite New York teams on TV. Richie manages all chapter records, communications, and scheduling. He ensures that all chapter information is synced and in accordance with the national fraternity's expectations.
Warden - Noah Sabato
Noah is a third-year studying Secondary Education. Outside of Pi Kappa Phi, he enjoys gaming and watching NFL and NBA sports. As Warden, Noah is in charge of our member education program along with maintaining orderly and efficient chapter meetings/procedures.
Historian - John Sikora
John is currently a second-year Journalism major. Outside of the fraternity, he enjoys going lifting, cooking, and sports. As Historian, John is responsible for maintaining an active relationship with the public, the greek community, and our full alumni base.
Chaplain - Payton Andy
Payton is a second-year majoring in Finance. Outside Pi Kappa Phi, he enjoys weight lifting. As Chaplain, Payton oversees all ritualistic activities and plays a key role in our new member process. Additionally, he oversees and maintains a healthy brotherhood.
Ability Experience Chair - Nelson Tinoco
Nelson is a third-year majoring in Criminal Justice. Outside of school and Pi Kappa Phi, he enjoys lifting at the CRC and gaming. As Ability Experience Chairman, Nelson plans and coordinates all of our philanthropic events such as Pi Kappa Phries, as well as handles fundraising for the Ability Experience.
Risk Manager - Ivan Roller
Ivan is a second-year majoring in IT. Outside of fraternity, he enjoys lifting weights. As Risk Manager, Ivanhelps plan and coordinate all of our social events and ensures that we are in compliance with the UC FSL office.
Standards Chair - Tommy Furey
Tommy oversees our Standards Committee, which acts similarly as internal affairs to ensure our brothers follow our national and local fraternity laws.
If you are seeking a member that is not currently on our Executive Council, please see our Member Directory to confirm their membership and reach out to our Secretary at secretary@ucpkp.com.